Recreating Natural Structures in Dentistry
In this lecture Juvenal describes his work philosophy on recreating natural structures for oral mutilated pacients. He then presents a single case and compare two different outcomes, one utilizing the traditional oral rehabilitation technique, and other with his own rehabilitation technique, using bone references to measure the amount of bone and gingival tissue that needs to be recreated along with the lost teeth. In addition, topics such as ceramic thickness and stratification technique are discussed, as well as reports of other clinical cases.
About the Instructor: JUVENAL SOUZA NETO
• Dental Technicianal
• Dental Hygienist
• Juvenal Souza Neto Institute´s CEO- School Improvement Ceramics (Joinville - SC - Brazil)
• Technical Consultant Pottery Creation
• Lecturer courses in the prosthesis area (more than 200 lectures around the world)
• DSD Master • Author of the book "Esthetic Dentistry and Fixed Prosthodontics dentogingival"
• Co-author of "Update on Prosthodontics" the 9th Congress Paulista technicians in Prosthodontics
• Co-author of the book Publisher Napoleon "Reconstructing Smile: Science, Art and Technology" of the 14th International
Technical Congress in Prosthodontics
• Co-author of the Book Publisher Quintessence "Rehabilitation Aesthetic and Functional Ceramics Restorations with"
Cap. 7-Search Morphogenetic and smiling Architecture - Fundamental Tools in Complex Case Resolution.
• Participation in the book of Article Labline
• Participation in the books of Ateliê Oral “Smile Architecture” and “Smile Arquiteture and a Brand Constrution”